The Syllabus
Table of content
Unit 01: Traditional Grammar and Modern Linguistics
1. Traditional Grammar
2. Modern Linguistics
3. Traditional Grammar Vs. Modern Linguistics
Unit 02: European Structuralism
1. Ferdinand De Saussure
1.1 Saussure's View of Langauge
1.2 Saussure's Dichotomies
2. Structural Schools in Europe.
2.1 Prague School
2.2 London School
Unit 03: American Structuralism
1. Features of American Structuralism
2.1 Franz Boas
2.2 Edward Sapir
2.3 Leonard Bloomfield
2.3.1 Immediate Constituent Analysis
2.3.2 Weaknesses of ICA
Unit 04: Origins of Transformational Generative Grammar
1. Noam Chomsky and TGG
2. Criticism of Structural Linguistics
2.1 Corpus Analysis
2.2 Surface Analysis
2.3 The Behaviorist Attitude
2.4 Language Diversity
Unit 05: TGG Concepts
1. Competence and Performance
1.1 Competence
1.2 Performance
2. Deep Structure and Surface Structure
3. The Mentalist Attitude
4. Language Universals
5. Chomsky's Definitions of Language and Grammar
Unit 06: Methodology of TGG
Unit 07: Recent Developments and Criticism of TGG