The General Objective:

By the end of this course, the student will be able to identify (1) the different  20th century linguistic  approaches to language  , diffrerentiate (2) between  their main tenets/features, and demonstrate(2)  their weaknesses.

Specific Objectives: 

1. The student differentiates (2)  between  Traditional Grammar and Modern Linguistics.

2. The student indicates (2) the features of European structuralism.

3. The student demonstrates(2)  the aims and contributions of the leading figures of Americn structuralism.

4. The student states (1)  the origines of Traditional Generative Grammar  and indicates (2) the criticism of structuralism.

5.   The student defines (1)  and explains (2) the key concepts in Transformational Generative Grammar. 

6. The student explains (2) the methodology used in Transformational Generative Grammar.

7. The student states (1) the recent development in TGG and demostrates (2) TGG criticism.

Last modified: Monday, 6 May 2019, 9:28 AM