1.Global objective

  At the end of the semester students are expected to be able to write well-formed paragraphs, alongeside with their developing ability to perform writing strategies during each writing stage.

2. Specific objective

2.1. At the end of the lesson, students distinguish between writing process stages, namely pre-writing,drafting, revising & editing, and sharing in( i.e., publishing).

2.2. students are expected to identify  the three basic elements of an essay ( introduction, developmental paragraphs, and conclusion) .

2.3. Students learn to use writing stages, including prewriting, drafting, revising& editing and publishing.

2.3. students learn to write well-structured paragraphs for a variety of writing purposes ( narration, description etc..)

3. Procedural objective

3.1. Students will get access to writing techniques of each writing stage; writing techniques which are used during each stage of writing process such as ideas generation ( in pre-writing stage)  . Hence, students will recognize and perform writing techniques during the pre writing stage.

3.2. student will apply different techniques for narrowing down topics.

3.3. students will  draft topic sentences effectively.

3.4. students will  compose supporting details for topic sentences

2.4. students write concluding sentences

Modifié le: Saturday 12 January 2019, 17:16