Speed reading, according to Konstant (2003 :25), is not about the ability to read faster than before, but it is about being flexible with the text being read, for reading quickly or slowly will not help the reader retain the information they want.

According to Konstant (2003 :25-26), there are many factors that contribute to speed. They are :          

The Mood:

Readers should learn how to recognize and manage [their] feelings so that they can concentrate regardless of how [they] might be feeling at the time (ibid.) In other words, when readers feel stressed, irritable, or impatient, it is better for them to manage those factors in order for their reading to be fruitful.

Familiarity with the subject-related terminology:

The reader's familiarity with the text's being read terminology contribute a lot in reading speed because readers will not stop every time to check the words that are new to them in the dictionnary. (ibid.)


Readers should be aware of their purpose of reading, the clearer [their] purpose is, the faster will be [their] reading. (ibid.)

The Pacer:

Konstant (2003 : 29-33) states that one of the main tools that help the readers increase their reading rate is the pacer. The pacer is anything that help the reader focus [his/her] attention on the words on the page by moving it as [they] read (fingers, pencils, pens, etc. In similar vein, Konstant (ibid.) inserts that pacers help eliminate most distractions, [...] and adds kinaesthetic and physical dimension to [one's] reading. (ibid.)

آخر تعديل: Friday، 16 March 2018، 3:19 PM