Throughout the last five decades, psychologists, linguists,and reading theorists have implemented many experimental techniques in order to determine the main stages that are involved in the reading prcoess. Accordingly, various models of the reading process have been put forward to account for the experimental findings (Peglar, 2003) notably, Goodman's  cognitive processes (1988, in ibid.), and Celce-Murcia & Olshtain (2000) reading processes.

Goodman's cognitive processes include : recognition / initiation where the brain must recognize the text and initiate reading ; prediction where the brain anticipates and predicts as it seeks order and significance of input ; confirmation that is the verification of predictions or disconfirmations ; correction that is reprocessing when it finds inconsistencies or disconfirmations ; and termination which is a formal ending of the reading act. (Peglar, 2003).

According to Celce-Murcia and Olshtain (2000 :119), the reading process is “decod[ing] the message by recognizing the written signs, interpret[ing] the message by assigning meaning to the string of words, and finally, understand[ing] what the author's intention was”.

آخر تعديل: Friday، 16 March 2018، 3:09 PM