The five-steps of the reading system, according to Konstant (2003 : 8), is based on highlightingareas for further studyand eliminating the areas that are unnecessary. And it is :


The main aim of the preparation stage is to construct a framework onto which readers fit everything [they] learn as [they] read. This framework can be made of facts or questions. (ibid.)


Previewing a book refers to becoming familiar with its structure. This stage takes about 10 minutes for a 300 page book where readers  read the front and back covers, the inside flaps, and the table of content and have a look at the index, glossary and bibliography; determine the structure of the book (chapter headings, sub-headings, pictures, graphs, cartoons, and images) ; eliminate the parts of the book that they do not need ; and highlight the areas they think they need." (Konstant, 2003 :10)

Passive reading:

The central focus of this stage id to help the reader be more familiar with the language and the organization of the book. Konstant (2003 :14) states that this stage should take 10to 15 minutes for a 300 page book and readers ought to scan the pages ; highlight names, technical words or words in bold or in italics ; and decide [whether the language is familiar or unfamiliar to them]

Active reading:

The main purpose of this stage is to simply identify the main ideas of the text. (ibid. : 14)

Selective reading:

Konstant (2003 :17) states that the central objective of the first four steps of the reading system is to help the readers select what [they] need or want to read and help [them] read intelligently. Reading intelligently, according to her (ibid.), refers to the reader's primary goal; that is being able to distinguish between what the readers need to and/or want to know.

Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2018, 2:45 PM