1. Introduction to reading

1.1. What is the reading skill?

1.2. What is reading comprehension?

1.3. Reading comprehension strategies

            1.3.1. Extensive reading

            1.3.2. Intrinsic reading

            1.3.3. Skimming

            1.3.4. Scanning

            1.3.5. Critical Reading

2. The five steps of the reading system

            2.1. Prepare

            2.2. Preview

            2.3. Passive reading

            2.5. Active reading

            2.6. Selective reading

3. Reading for levels of meaning

            3.1. Literal meaning

            3.2. Implied meaning control scrutiny

            3.3. Inferred meaning

4. Levels of reading

            4.1. Elementary

            4.2. Inspectional

            4.3. Analytical

            4.4. Synoptical

5. Reading Models

           5.1. The Top-Down Reading Model

           5.2. The Bottom-Up Reading Model

           5.3.The Interactive Model

6. The Reading Process

          6.1. Goodman's Cognitive Process

          6.2. Celce-Murcia and Olshtain definition of the Reading Process

7. Reading purposes

8. Speed reading

            8.1. What is speed reading?

            8.2. Factors contributing to speed

            8.3. Factors affecting the Development of Speed Reading

            8.4. Increasing the reader’s basic reading rate

            7.7. Second and Foreign Language speed readers

Modifié le: Wednesday 14 March 2018, 18:50