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الوسائط البيداغوجية
كلية الآداب واللغات
Département d'anglais
1er semestre
Unit Two: Post-Colonial Theory
Operational Objectives
Operational Objectives
Operational Objectives
1. Summarize core principles of postcolonial theory, including themes of power and identity.
2. Describe how postcolonial theory applies to literary texts.
Modifié le: Saturday 2 November 2024, 10:05
Activité précédente
the First Global Activity
Activité suivante
Post Colonial Theory
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Objectives of the Course
Planning of the Course
List of References
General Resources
Operational Objectives
An introduction to post colonial literature
Video about an inroduction to post colonial literature
URL about an introduction to post colonial literature
TEST about the First Unit
the First Global Activity
Post Colonial Theory
A Video about post colonial theory
URL about Post colonial Theory
Test about post colonial theory
Global Activity
Operational Objectives
The empires writes back :language and culture
Video about The empires writes back :language and culture
URL about The empires writes back :language and culture
Global Activity
Operational Objectives
Hybridity and Identity in Post-Colonial Writing
Video about Hybridity and Identity in Post-Colonial Writing
URL about Hybridity and Identity in Post-Colonial Writing
Global activity
Operational Objectives
Gender in post colonial literature
Video about Gender in post colonial literature
URL abou gender in pos colonial lierature
Global activity
Operational Objectives
Resistance and Nationalism
A Video about Nationalism and resistance in post colonial lierature
URL about nationalism and resistance
Global activity
Operational Objectives
The Representation of Trauma in Post-Colonial Literature
video of The Representation of Trauma in Post-Colonial Literature
URL of the Trauma
Global Activity
Operational Objectives
Lecture 08
video about identity and migration
URL of identity and migration
global activity
Operational Objectives
Lecture 09 :Race and Representation
video about Race and Representation
URL about race and representation
global aciviy
Operational Objectives
Lecture 10: language ,power and resistance in post colonial literature
Video bout power resistance and language
URL abou language ,power and resistance in post colonial literature
global aciviy
Operational Objectives
the represenation of women in post colonial literature
A video about the represenation of women in post colonial literature
URl about the represenation of women in post colonial literature
global activiy
Operational Objectives
Environmentalism and the Land in Post-Colonial Literature
Video about Environmentalism and the Land in Post-Colonial Literature
URL about Environmentalism and the Land in Post-Colonial Literature
global activiy
Operational Objectives
Religion and Spirituality
Religion and Spiritualityideo about Religion and Spirituality
URL about Religion and Spirituality
global activiy
global activiy
Operational Objectives
The Future of Post-Colonial Literature: Globalization, Migration, and Diaspora
Video of The Future of Post-Colonial Literature: Globalization, Migration, and Diaspora
URL of The Future of Post-Colonial Literature: Globalization, Migration, and Diaspora
global activiy