The  Planning of the Course

1-  Nouns

1.1. Definition of Nouns in English Language

1.2. Types of Nouns

1.3 Particularities of Nouns in English 

2.  English Verbs

2.1.  An overview of English Verbs

2.2. Types of English Verbs

2.3. Features of Irregular and Regular Verbs

3. Adjectives

3.1. An overview of English Adjectives

3.2.Types of English Adjectives

3.3. Characteristics of Irregular Adjectives


4.1.An overview of English Adverbs

4.2. Types of Adverbs

4.3. Features of Adverbs

4.4.   The  Use  of Adverbs

5. Preposition

5.1. An overview of Preposition

5.2.  types of Prepositions in English

6. Conjunctions

6.1. An Insight into  Conjunction 

6.2. Types of Conjunction

6.3.  Use of Conjunction 

7. Interjections

7.1. Definition of Interjections

7.2.  Types of Interjections

8. Model  Verbs

8.1.An overview of Model Verbs

8.2.Types of model verbs

8.3.Use of Model Verbs

Modifié le: Monday 1 July 2024, 10:39