Global Activity
Conditions d’achèvement
Ouvert le : jeudi 20 février 2020, 00:00
À rendre : mardi 10 mars 2020, 00:00
Read the two paragraphs provided and extract the elements found in the following rebrics:
- The topic sentence is: Sentence 1
- Irrelevant sentence: Sentence 8 (should be removed from the paragraph)
- The paragraph also shows coherence by the use of
- Parallel constructions: Present tense
- Pronouns: this, these
- Synonyms: natural features = landmarks
- Paraphrasing of phrase/sentence: sentence 1 is paraphrased in sentence 11
- Repetition of key words: river, hill, rocks
- Transitional words: on the other side, even though, so, because
- Methods of development/sentence organization used:
- Examples/illustrations: -
- Comparison and contrast: sentences 3 (comparison – on either side) and 6 (even though)
- Causes and reasons: sentences 5, 6 and 7 (so, because)
- Descriptions or details of each landmark
- Logical divisions: First, Second, The third amazing feature
- 10 février 2020, 13:51