Monday 22 July 2024, 21:42
Site: Plateforme pédagogique de l'Université Sétif2
Cours: Written Expression 3 CHOUIEB (W..E)
Glossaire: Main Glossary

Thesis statement

The last sentence in the introductory paragraph which summarizes the content of the essay and shows the pattern of writing adopted.

Topic sentence

It refers to the first sentence is each developmental paragraph, it tell us what is the topic of this paragraph. It should express one clear idea or sub-division of the main topic of the essay.

Transitional markers

These are words or phrases that are used in writing to relate in a logical manner the different parts of the written text. Examples include: besides, in other words, however, meanwhile, furthermore, as a consequence, as a result,...

Turn about introduction

This type of introduction starts with talking about the opposing topic or point of view before shifting interest to the writer's stand point or opinion. It may be adopted when writing argumentative essays particularly.