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  • Berrahal Mohamed


    Civilization (Master 1)

    Email: mohammedberrahal@yahoo.com

  • M1 Civ./ Mr Berrahal/ Chapters Summary

    This introductory chapter gives you a general idea about the remaining chapters of the programme. Each chapter is then detailed separately.

  • M1 Civ/ M. Berrahal/ Chap. 1 : The Road to Secession

    This chapter deals with the events leading up to the movement of secession by some Southern States. It evolves mainly around the issue of slavery and its geographical expansion after the acquisitiobn of lands by the U.S. after its victory in the Mexican War. 

  • M1 Civ./ M. Berrahal/ Chap.2: The Civil War.

    This chapter details the civil war that broke out between the Union and the Condederacy. It gives a comprehensive explanation of the conduct of the war and the significant decision of President Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave a humanitarian and moralistic dimension to the fighting.

  • M1 Civ./ M. Berrahal/ Chap. 4: Reconstruction

    This last chapter tackles the Reconstruction period during which the Federal government endeavoured to rebuild the damaged South and allow its readmission to the Union. The fight over reconstruction underlined the constitutional difficulty to determine what branch of government was entitled to carry out that task.

    • Rebuilding the destroyed South was a tedious and complicated task that would mobilise governmental as well as popular resources. The newly freed slaves also played an important role towards achieving their full freedom. However, the reconstructed South was not ready to radically change its pre-war social picture.

  • Section 5

  • Section 6

  • Section 7

  • Section 8

  • Section 9

  • Section 10