Aperçu des sections

    • Dr. Yahia ALMI

      Lecturer at the Department of Letters and the English Language

      University Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif 2

      Email: almiyahia@hotmail.fr

  • Section 1

    • Here you find attached a file containing the First-Term course of educational psychology to be delivered to Master One students of Language Sciences speciality. The course involves

      - An introduction to the field of educational psychology as a fresh sub-branch of psychology .

      - A review of the major learning theories : behaviourism, cognitivism, and social constructivism.

  • Section 2

    • Here you find attached a file containing Second-Semester lectures of Master One Educational Psychology Study Course. It contains a detailed review of five major concepts recognaized in the field of educational psychology :

      1. Learning Styles

      2. Learning Strategies

      3. Motivation

      4. Autonomy

      5. Self-Regulation

      N.B. The lectures to be prepared and revised for the second-semester examination are the five (05) concepts covered from the beginning to the end of the second semester (included in the above list from 1 to 5).

  • Section 3

  • Section 4

  • Section 5

  • Section 6

  • Section 7

  • Section 8

  • Section 9

  • Section 10