William Godwin on the Advantages of the Multilingual Mind
William Godwin on the Advantages and Disadvantages of a bilingual mind
How the ability to call your idea “by various names, borrowed from various languages,” empowers you to conceive that idea “in a way precise, clear and unconfused.

Nearly two centuries before Ursula K. Le Guin observed that the function of language is “to give people the words to know their own experience” and James Baldwin lamented the exclusionary nature of any single language, which may not reflect the experiences of the diverse people forced to speak it, Godwin makes an ardent case for how the knowledge of multiple languages liberates the mind and swells the power of the human spirit. (A crucial meta-sensitivity to language as an emissary of time and place is due in reading Godwin: His use of the masculine to address universal humanity is a reflection of his era’s lexical convention — he was writing two centuries before the unsexing of he as the universal pronoun — and not of his beliefs: Godwin was an ardent exponent of gender equality, who courageously bore the opprobrium such radical views earned him, who forged with Wollstonecraft a a trailblazing marriage of equals, and who, in an era when girls were entirely excluded from real education and the world of ideas, raised his daughters with uncompromising focus on the life of the mind.)
Advocating for teaching young people multiple languages, Godwin writes:
He that is acquainted with only one language, will probably always remain in some degree the slave of language. From the imperfectness of his knowledge, he will feel himself at one time seduced to say the thing he did not mean, and at another time will fall into errors of this sort without being aware of it. It is impossible he should understand the full force of words. He will sometimes produce ridicule, where he intended to produce passion. He will search in vain for the hidden treasures of his native tongue. He will never be able to employ it in the most advantageous manner. He cannot be well acquainted with its strength and its weakness. He is uninformed respecting its true genius and discriminating characteristics. But the man who is competent to and exercised in the comparison of languages, has attained to his proper elevation. Language is not his master, but he is the master of language. Things hold their just order in his mind, ideas first, and then words. Words therefore are used by him as the means of communicating or giving permanence to his sentiments; and the whole magazine of his native tongue is subjected at his feet.
Epochs before Susan Sontag insisted that words are a tool of personal agency, Godwin argues that our vocabulary furnishes the building blocks of our understanding, which in turn foments our capacity for effective action in the world:
Words are of the utmost importance to human understanding. Almost all the ideas employed by us in matters of reasoning have been acquired by words. In our most retired contemplations we think for the most part in words; and upon recollection can in most cases easily tell in what language we have been thinking. Without words, uttered, or thought upon, we could not probably carry on any long train of deduction. The science of thinking therefore is little else than the science of words. He that has not been accustomed to refine upon words, and discriminate their shades of meaning, will think and reason after a very inaccurate and slovenly manner. He that is not able to call his idea by various names, borrowed from various languages, will scarcely be able to conceive his idea in a way precise, clear and unconfused.

المقياس: تعليمية الفلسفة1
عبد الغاني عليوة
أستاذ محاضر (أ)
قسم الفلسفة
كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
جامعة محمد لمين دباغين سطيف-2
الفئة المستهدفة: طلبة السنة الثالثة ليسانس فلسفة
الملخص: إن سر تقدم الأمم ورقيها يتوقف أساساً على ما توليه من اهتمام بمنظوماتها التعليمية، والطموح الذي يساور الإنسان دائماً هو بناء حضارة يعيش في ظلها كريماً، ووسيلته الأساسية في ذلك هي التدريس الناجح والنافع، القائم على الأسس العلمية والمنهجية، وهذا ما يتوجب على القائمين على المنظومات التربوية والتعليمية التفكير الدائم على كيفية تطوير طرائق التدريس وآليات التعليم وأهدافه. إذ لا نبالغ إن قلنا أن رفاهية الإنسان المعاصر هي نتاج التعليم والتعلم استثماراً في المورد البشري.
هنا يأتي دور الديداكتيك أو التعليمية عمومًا، كحقل مهم في علوم التربية، وهو ينقسم بدوره إلى تعليمية عامة، وتعليمية خاصة، وتمثل الفلسفة إحدى مجالات هذه الأخيرة، فمقياس تعليمية الفلسفة يسعى إلى دراسة الطرائق المبتكرة في تعليم مادة الفلسفة، مع محاولة تقريب التفكير الفلسفي من ذهن الطالب، والتركيز على خصائص الموضوعية والحس النقدي.
الكلمات المفتاحية: ديداكتيك، بيداغوجيا، المقاربة، الأهداف، الكفاءة، التعليم، التعلم، المنهاج، التدريس.