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الوسائط البيداغوجية
كلية الآداب واللغات
Département d'anglais
1ère année licence
1er semestre
LIT s1/2023 1er
Lesson One
Introduction to Literature, Its History and Import...
Introduction to Literature, Its History and Importance
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First lesson ITL 2023, What is Literature.pdf
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Activité précédente
Study of Literary Texts, First Year students, Semester One
Activité suivante
Literary Genres: Poetry, Prose and Drama
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Study of Literary Texts, First Year students, Semester One
Literary Genres: Poetry, Prose and Drama
Literary Elements
Literary Techniques
Poetry and Its Genres
Types of Poetry
Prosody, Rhyme & Rhythm
Poetry Analysis
Selected Poems for Analysis: William Blake's A Poison Tree
Lesson Ten: Old English Literature
Beowulf, Part One
Beowulf, Part Two
Middle English Literature
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Rise of the English Novel
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe