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Linguistique/PHONETI ...
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الوسائط البيداغوجية
كلية الآداب واللغات
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1ère année licence
1er semestre
Prescriptive vs Descriptive Linguistics
Prescriptive approach vs Descriptive approach | Wh...
Prescriptive approach vs Descriptive approach | What is prescriptive approach? | Linguistics
آخر تعديل: Friday، 17 November 2023، 10:59 AM
النشاط السابق
Language families
النشاط التالي
The Third Dimension. On the Dichotomy Between Speech and Writing
الانتقال إلى...
الانتقال إلى...
The difference between human language and animal communication
Linguistics - A complete introduction
Language families
The Third Dimension. On the Dichotomy Between Speech and Writing
Summary of First Semester Lessons of Linguistics