خاص | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | أ | إ | آ | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي | الكل
Lecture 02: Developing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity in Communication
1. Introduction
2. Objectives
2.1 Develop Cultural Competence
2.2 Challenge Stereotypes and Biases
2.3 Analyze Cultural Differences
3. Developing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
3.1 Educate Yourself
3.2 Avoid Making Assumptions
3.3 Active Listening
3.4 Non-Verbal Communication
3.5 Flexibility
4. Steps on Addressing Cultural Stereotypes and Biases
4.1 Self-Reflection
4.2 Question Assumptions
4.3 Promote Diversity
4.4 Open Dialogue
4.5 Address Unconscious Bias
4.6 Cultural Competency Training Programs
5. Cultural Nuances between Algerian and English Cultures
5.1 Communication Style
5.2 Hierarchy and Respect
5.3 Time Management
5.4 Cultural Traditions
5.5 Taboos and Sensitivities
6. Conclusion
7. References