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An Introduction to L ...
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الوسائط البيداغوجية
كلية الآداب واللغات
Département d'anglais
1ère année licence
Exit System
Final Evaluation
Final Evaluation
Conditions d'achèvement
Ouvert le :
Friday 29 January 2021, 00:00
À rendre :
Thursday 11 February 2021, 00:00
This final evaluation is to test learners' understanding of this course.
Final Evaluation.docx
29 January 2021, 15:40
Activité précédente
Quiz4 (Global Activity)
Activité suivante
Integration Situation
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The Objectives of the Course
Table of Contents
Global Resources
Course Glossary
Specefic & Operational Objectives
Definition of Language & Language Meduims
Knowing Language
Speech and Writing
Speech vs Writing
Test1 (Local Activity)
Quiz1 (Activité Globale)
Specefic & Operational Objectives
Characteristics of Human Language
Characteristics of Human Language
The Uniqueness of Human Language
Features of Human Language
Students' Opinions
Students' Enquiry Room
Test2 A(Local Activity)
Test2 B(Activité Locale)
Quiz2 (Global Activity)
Specefic & Operational Objectives
Animals' System of Communication
Can Animals Talk?
Talking to Chimpanzees
Students' Contributions
Test3 (Local Activity)
Quiz3 (Globale Activity)
Specefic & Operational Objectives
The Subfields of Linguistics
The Subfields of Human Language Explained
Subfields of Linguistics Defined
Students' Feedback
Test4 (Local Activity)
Quiz4 (Global Activity)
Integration Situation