Sections of the Course:

  1. Definition of Postcolonialism
  2. The origins and etymology
  3. The controversy over the term
  4. Aspects of postcolonialism:

            a-The concerns

            b-The characteristics

  • The Historical Development of Postcolonial Theory

         I-The Initial Phase: Critique of the Colonial Practices

  •        Unveiling Power Dynamics: Critique of the Colonial Practices
  1.  Exploration of the Psychological Effect of Colonization: Frantz Fanon and the Development of the "Inferiority Complex"
  2. Critique of the Dehumanization of Colonialism: Aimé Césaire and the "Thingification of Colonized Subjects"
  3. Analysis of Alienation and Identity: Albert Memmi and the notion of "twofold rejection" in Colonial Contexts

         II- The Modern Phase : Criticism on the Colonial Discourse

  • Deconstructing Orientalism and Challenging Representation
  1. The discourse of "Orientalism" in the Western literary canon.
  2. The Hidden Aim behind the Construction of the "Orient".
  3. The Notion of "Oriental Silence" 
  4. Orientalism and Islam
  • Empowering the Subaltern: Agency and Resistance
  1. Exploring Gayatri Spivak's seminal essay "Can the Subaltern Speak"
  2. Hegemony, subaltern, revisionist history, traditional vs modern model of subjectivity, representation, 
  3. Motivation behind her Writing "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
  1. Understanding Hybridity through Cultural Intersections in Postcolonial Contexts
  2. Exploring Mimicry as a Strategy of Resistance and Survival in Postcolonial Identity Construction
  3. Investigating Ambivalence and the Complexities of Identity

Last modified: Sunday, 24 March 2024, 3:23 PM