Parts of Speech

Site: Plateforme pédagogique de l'Université Sétif2
Livre: Parts of Speech
Imprimé par: Visiteur anonyme
Date: Wednesday 3 July 2024, 10:25


1. Classification of Nouns and Pronouns


Proper Nouns: refer to specific entities. Writers of English capitalize proper nouns ( Steve, Harvard, or White House

Common nouns :refer to general, unspecific categories of entities (person,university,building)

Countable Nouns : can occur in both single and plural forms, can be modified by numerals, and can co-occur with quantificational determiners (pen,bike,table)

Uncountable Nouns : some nouns are not countable and are called uncountable nouns or mass nouns (water,milk, air) )

Concrete nouns: are nouns that can be touched, smelled, seen, felt, or tasted. ( dog, wool, sugar) )

Abstract Nouns: theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to refer to them (freedom, love, power) )


There are many different kinds of pronouns.

Personal Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)

Demonstrative Pronouns(This, that, these those)

Indefinite Pronouns (All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, none,,,,,etc.)

Interrogative Pronouns( Who, which, what, where,how)

Reciprocal Pronouns (each other , one another)

Reflexive Pronouns(myself, yourself,herself, himself)

Possessive Pronouns (My, your, his, her, its, our,their)

Absolute Possessive Pronouns(Mine, yours, his, hers, ours , theirs)

Relative Pronouns(Which, that, who ,whom, whose,where)

2. Verbs

Types of verbs

Action verb

 Action verbs are words that express action (give,eat,walk, etc.) or possession (have, own, etc.). Action verbs can be either transitive or intransitive

Transitive verb

Transitive verb always has a noun that receives the action of the verb,called the direct object

 Intransitive Verbs  intransitive verb never has a direct or indirect object. Although an intransitive verb may be followed by an adverb or adverbial phrase, there is no object to receive its action

 Finite and Nonfinite Verbs


Verbs which have the past or the present form are called FINITE verbs. Verbs in any other form (infinitive, -ing, or -ed) are called NONFINITE verbs. This means that verbs with tense are finite, and verbs without tense are nonfinite

Linking vs Action verbs

Linking verbs connects the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective

that renames or describes the subject

The most common linking verb is the verb to be in all of its forms (am,are, is, was , were).To become ,and  to seem are always linking verbs

3. Coordinating Conjunctions

The English language has seven coordinating conjunctions, and they’re easy to remember if you can just remember FANBOYS

—  For - Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”) I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.

And - Adds one thing to another
I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men playing soccer.

—  Nor - Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative idea
I don’t go for the fresh air nor really for the ducks. Honestly, I just like the soccer

—  But - Shows contrast
The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.

—  Or - Presents an alternative or a choice
The men play on teams: shirts or skins.

—  Yet - Introduces a contrasting idea that follows the preceding idea logically (similar to “but”)
I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page.

—  So - Indicates effect, result or consequence
I’ve started dating one of the soccer players, so now I have an excuse to watch the game each week.

4. Adjectives



—  Adjectives tell us something about a person or a thing.

Adjectives can modify nouns or pronouns/names.




Mandy is a careful girl.

This is a nice car.

Mandy is careful.

The car is nice.

She is careful.

It is nice.


— Where do adjectives go?


An adjective can be put before the noun. Then it is an attribute.

Mandy is a careful girl

An adjective can be put after the verb to be (is). This is called predicative position.

This car is  nice car

5. Adverbs


Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify verbs ,adjectives, or other adverbs


to modify verbs

              The handball team played badly last Saturday.


to modify adjectives

               It was an extremely bad match.

to modify adverbs

              The handball team played extremely badly last                         Wednesday.

Kinds of Adverbs

Adverbs of Manner

   She moved slowly and spoke quietly.

Adverbs of Place

   She has lived on the island all her life.
   She still lives there now.

Adverbs of Frequency
   She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
   She often goes by herself.

Adverbs of Time
   She tries to get back before dark.
   It's starting to get dark now.
   She finished her tea first.
   She left early.

—  More than one adverb at the end of a sentence

—  If there are more adverbs at the end of a sentence, the word order is normally:

—  Manner – Place –frequency- Time.

—  Peter sang the song happily in the bathroom evenyesterday ing