Eating Habits

Site: Plateforme pédagogique de l'Université Sétif2
Cours: Oral Expression
Livre: Eating Habits
Imprimé par: Visiteur anonyme
Date: Monday 22 July 2024, 19:49

1. Eat, Drink, and be Merry

Eat, Drink, and be Merry !


  • What did you eat and drink yesterday ? Make a list.
  • Compare your list with the members of your family. Who had the healthiest diet ?

      For breakfast, I had a cup of coffee, some cereal, and…….

How to Live to be 120 ?

Expressions of quantity

  • Read about Claus and Elvira Bonrich. Contextualize any hard vocabulary.
    • What is their extraordinary ambition ?
    • What are their jobs ?
    • What kind of food do they eat ? Do they cook any of their food ?

An Extraordinary Ambition

Claus Bonrich (33) and his wife Elvira (28) are a successful young couple. Claus is a software programmer and Elvira works in a health food shop. In many ways their life is quite ordinary, but they have an extraordinary ambition. They want to live until they are 120. And they believe they can do this by following an American health plan called  the‘Calorie Restriction Diet’. Claus and Elvira eat a lot of raw food, but they don’t fry , grill, or roast anything, and there are many things they don’t eat at all.

  • Look at the nouns in the boxes. Which can you coun ? Which can’t you count ? Label the nouns countable and uncountable.




Apples   grapes   carrots   prawns   vegetables


Meat   fish   orrange juice   coffee   tea   fruit   brocoli   alcohol


  • Work with a partner.  Read and complete the questions  and answers about the diet with the nouns from exercise 2.
    •  Q ‘Do you eat any meat ?
    • A No we don’t eat any ……at all, but we eat some…….
    • Q How much ……….do you eat ?
    • A We eat a little white……., but we love shellfish, so we eat a lot of…….
    • Q Do you eat much …….. ?
    • A Oh, yes, we eat a lot of frsh…….,……….and, everything.
    • Q And do you eat many….. ?
    • Q Don’t you cook any vegetables at all ?
    • A We cook some. Sometimes we steam a few…..and a little……
    • Q And what do you drink ?
    • A Well we don’t drink any ……..or…….., and naturally there’s no …….in our diet, but we do drink a lot of ……….
    • Q How many …….do you have every day ?
    • A About 1,500.
    • A That’s about 1000fewer than most people.
    • Listen and check. Pactice the questions and answers with your partner. Pay attention to patterns of stress and intonation and question formation.

1.1. Reading and Speaking

Reading and Speaking

The secret to a long life

Articles a/an, the

  • Do you know anybody who lived to be a great age ? How old were they ? Why do think they lived so long ?
  • Read and listen to the text. Answer the questions.
    • How long did the father live ?
    • Where did he live ?
    • What kind of shop did he have ?
    • How many children did he have ?
    • Why did everybody love him ?
    • When did he stop work ?
    • What was his secret to a long life ?

My Grand Father’s shop

My grandfather lived until he was a 101 years old. He was a shop keeper. He had a fish and chip, shop in an old village near a big, industrial town in the north of England. He had a son and a daughter. The daughter is my mother. The family lived above the shop. In those days, fish and chips was the most popular dish in the whole country.  My grandfather made the best fish and chips in the area. People came fro the village by bus especially to get them. Everybody loved my granfather because he was such a happy and contented man. He worked hard, but once a week he closed the shop and went to have lunch (not fish and chips!) with friends in the local pub. He didn’t rtire until he was 78 years old.  He said that the secret to a long life was a glass of whisky before going to bed and lots of fish and chips.

Grammar spot


  • Find examples of the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a/an) in the text.
  • What do you notice about these phrases.
    • ……came by bus
    • …….went to have lunch
    • ….....before going to bed


1.2. Practice: discussing grammar


Discussing grammar

                 (some, any)

  • Have they got…….children. ?
  • We don’t need ……..olive oil.
  • Can you lend me ………money.
  • Is there……..petrol in the car ?
  • Can I have……..cake ?

                       (Much, many)

  • Hve you got……… homework ?
  • We don’t need …..eggs. Just half a dozen.
  • Is there…..traffic in your town ?
  • I don’t know……… students in this class.
  • How …….time have you got ?


(A little, a few, a lot)

  • I have ……close friends. Two or three.
  • He has…….money. He’s a millionaire.
  • ‘Do you take sugar in coffee ?’ Just…… Half a spoonful.’
  • I’ll be there in…….. minutes.
  • He speaks good Spanish, but…….only Russian.

1.3. Everydau English: can you come for dinner?

Everyday English

Can you come for dinner ?

  • What is happening in the picture ? What are the people eating and drinking ?
  • Match a question in A with an answer in B.



1Would you like some more rice ?

2 Could you pas the salt, please ?

3 Can I have some water, please ?

4 Please, just help yourselves to the dessert.

5 Would anybody like some  more ice cream ?

6 How would you like your coffee ?

7 This is delicious ! Would you mind giving me the recipe ?

8 Do you want some help with the washing up ?

a Black no suger. Have you got any decaf ?

b No, not at all. I got it online. I’ll give you the website.

c  Do you want still or sparkling ?

d No, thanks. But could I have another piece of bread ?

e Yes, of course. Dou you want the pepper, too ?

f No, but I’d love some fruit. Is there any left ?

g No, of course not. You’re our guests !

h We will. It looks fantastic. Did you make it yourself ?


  • Listen and check. What is the next line ? Pay attention to stress an intonation patterns.
  • Complete the requests with can/could I….. ?can/could/you….. ?
    • …….have some apple juice, please ?
    • ……..tell me where Market Street is, please ?
    • ……..see the menu, please ?
    • ……..use your iPad for a few minutes, please ?
    • ………lend me twenty pounds, please ?
    • ……..take me to school, please ?
    • …… me with my homework, please ?
    • ………give me a lift to the station, please ?
    • Practice the requests with a family member or a friend. Give an answer for each request. Take care with the form form of requests, stress and intonation patterns.

Can I have some apple juice, please ?

Sorry, we……..

Yes, of course. Would you like….. ?

  • Make 5-8 in the previous exercise more polite using « WOULD YOU MIND…..ING ?
  • Listen and check. Practice syaing them aloud. Pay attention to pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
  • Request things from your relatives.

Can I borrow your….. ?Could you lend me your….? Would you mind helping me with….. ?