Unit 3: Exposition

4. Types of the Expository Essay

4.1. Definition Essay

A definition essay is a type of essay that defines a term, a concept, or an idea. The difference, however, in a simple definition and a definition essay is that a simple definition is a literal definition, while a definition essay covers all the connotative and denotative definitions of a term. A definition essay introduces the term, concept, or idea being defined, presents clear and specific information about the term, and uses examples to clarify it.

·         Writing an Effective Thesis Statement for a Definition Essay

       A thesis statement is the heart of an essay. The same is the case with a definition essay in which a thesis statement plays a key role in defining the term. The introduction just gives a good hook and background information. It is the thesis statement which presents the major points of the definition. Like all thesis statements of five-paragraph essays, the thesis statement of a definition essay has three major evidences that relate to the definition of the term, idea, or concept being defined. However, it just keeps the topic limited to the definition by structure, by function, or by analysis.

·         Difference Between a Definition and a Definition Essay

        Words, ideas, and concepts have various connotative meanings in different contexts. One concept in one text could be entirely different from the same concept used in another text. In order to explain in meticulous detail, various definitions are collected and analyzed. Definitions are also based on structure and analysis as well as functions. When these definitions are discussed according to their roles in different contexts, it is called a definition essay. A definition is just a simple statement about a term, but a definition essay is a discussion of several definitions of the same term.