The Basic Elements of Writing and Generating Ideas

2. Basic elements of writing

2.1. Narrowing Down the Topic

         “What should I write about?” Some people think the hardest part of writing
is finding a topic. However, more often than not, you will have to deal with
topics professors or employers assign to you. Sometimes, too, situations in
everyday life require you to address a subject in writing. Initially, not all of
these topics will engage you. In fact, sometimes you may have to write
about topics you dislike. So instead of “What should I write about?” the
more frequent question is “How can I make this topic interesting for myself
and my readers?”
If you find a topic boring or too hard, your reader will likely have the
same reaction to your paper on that topic. Challenge yourself to find your
own creative ways of making topics and assignments personally interesting.
Begin by having an open mind about the subject and believing that you have
something worthwhile to say about it. Know, too, that you are more likely to
become engaged with a subject after you have listened, read, debated, pondered,
and explored beyond the surface.