Looking forward.

2. How does it feel to be a 20-Something?

Listening and Speaking

How Does It Feel To Be 20-Something

  • Ø Think of someone you know in their twenties. Talk to a relative or a partner about them.
    • Age    relationship to you    job    interests     ambitions.
    • The Times news Paper ran an iGeneration’poll to find out how it fels to be a 20-something in the 21st century. What is the 20-something ?
    • Listen to three 20-somethings, Leo, Elsa, and Dan. Who is happy ? Who feels grown up ? Who knows what to do in the future ?
    • Complete the questions with the correct name.
      • How old is Leo’s nephew ?
      • How much did…….owe when he left university ?
      • Why did………give up studying law ?
      • How much does……earn as a junior reporter ?
      • How long did………go travelling ?
      • What question did……’s nephew ask ?
      • Ask and answer the question with a partner. Be careful with the verb forms, stress and intonation patterns.
      • Listen again. After each 20-something, answer the questions.


  • Why was he shocked by his nephew’s question ?
  • Why is he happy ?
  • What’s he going to do next year ?
  • Whe does think he’ll marry ?


  • Where did she go travelling ?
  • What is she doing at the moment ?
  • What question does her father ask ?
  • How is her life different from her mother’s at the same age ?


  • Why is he a boomerang kid ?Does he think that the situation is unusual ?
  • Whe does he think he’ll marry his girlfriend ?
  • Why is he fed up ?
  • What do you think ?
    • Whe do you think is the best time for children to leave home ?
    • What are the pros and cons of for parents if their children move back home ?
    • Wht are the pros and cons for the children ?Be careful with some verbs patterns.