Looking forward.

1. Looking Forward

1.1. Have you got any plans?

Have you got any Plans ?

Will, going to, and Present Continuous for future

  • Match questions 1-4 with an answernfrom Pete and an answer from Debbie.
  1. What are you doing this evening ?
  2. Are you doing anything interesting this weedend ?
  3. Are you going to have a party for your birthday ?
  4. Where are you going on holiday ?



  • Listen and check. Pay attention to future forms and stress patterns.


A Of course, I’m going to invite all my friends.

B I’m going surfing for two weeks in Costa Rica.

C Yes, I am. I’m going to stay with an old school friens.

D I’m meeting my brother for a drink.



E  haven’ t thought about it. Maybe I’ll just celebrate at home with a few friends.

F I can’ decide. Perhaps I’ll go cycling in France.

G No, I’m not. I’ll give you a ring and maybe we can do something together.

H Nothing much. I think I’ll just watch a DVD and order a pizza.

  • Listen and check. Pay attention to future forms, stress and intonation patterns.
  • Pete is talking to his fried, Ben. Debbie is talkig to Ella. Answer the questions.
    • Why can’t Ben go out with Pete and his brother ?
    • Why is Pete going to visit his old school friend ?
    • Where is Ben going on holiday ?
    • Where’s Ella going on holiday ?
    • When’s Debbie’s birthday ?
    • Why won’t Ella stay late ?

Talking about you

  • With a family member ask and answer the four questions in exercise 1 about you.

Grammar spot

Will, going to, and the present continuous can all refer to future time.

  • Will can express an intention decided at the time of speaking.

I’ll give you a ring.

  • Going to can express a plan decided before the time of speaking.

I’m going to stay with a friend.

  • The present continuous can express an arrangement.

I’m working late this evening.