Eating Habits

1. Eat, Drink, and be Merry

1.3. Everydau English: can you come for dinner?

Everyday English

Can you come for dinner ?

  • What is happening in the picture ? What are the people eating and drinking ?
  • Match a question in A with an answer in B.



1Would you like some more rice ?

2 Could you pas the salt, please ?

3 Can I have some water, please ?

4 Please, just help yourselves to the dessert.

5 Would anybody like some  more ice cream ?

6 How would you like your coffee ?

7 This is delicious ! Would you mind giving me the recipe ?

8 Do you want some help with the washing up ?

a Black no suger. Have you got any decaf ?

b No, not at all. I got it online. I’ll give you the website.

c  Do you want still or sparkling ?

d No, thanks. But could I have another piece of bread ?

e Yes, of course. Dou you want the pepper, too ?

f No, but I’d love some fruit. Is there any left ?

g No, of course not. You’re our guests !

h We will. It looks fantastic. Did you make it yourself ?


  • Listen and check. What is the next line ? Pay attention to stress an intonation patterns.
  • Complete the requests with can/could I….. ?can/could/you….. ?
    • …….have some apple juice, please ?
    • ……..tell me where Market Street is, please ?
    • ……..see the menu, please ?
    • ……..use your iPad for a few minutes, please ?
    • ………lend me twenty pounds, please ?
    • ……..take me to school, please ?
    • …… me with my homework, please ?
    • ………give me a lift to the station, please ?
    • Practice the requests with a family member or a friend. Give an answer for each request. Take care with the form form of requests, stress and intonation patterns.

Can I have some apple juice, please ?

Sorry, we……..

Yes, of course. Would you like….. ?

  • Make 5-8 in the previous exercise more polite using « WOULD YOU MIND…..ING ?
  • Listen and check. Practice syaing them aloud. Pay attention to pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
  • Request things from your relatives.

Can I borrow your….. ?Could you lend me your….? Would you mind helping me with….. ?