Eating Habits

1. Eat, Drink, and be Merry

1.1. Reading and Speaking

Reading and Speaking

The secret to a long life

Articles a/an, the

  • Do you know anybody who lived to be a great age ? How old were they ? Why do think they lived so long ?
  • Read and listen to the text. Answer the questions.
    • How long did the father live ?
    • Where did he live ?
    • What kind of shop did he have ?
    • How many children did he have ?
    • Why did everybody love him ?
    • When did he stop work ?
    • What was his secret to a long life ?

My Grand Father’s shop

My grandfather lived until he was a 101 years old. He was a shop keeper. He had a fish and chip, shop in an old village near a big, industrial town in the north of England. He had a son and a daughter. The daughter is my mother. The family lived above the shop. In those days, fish and chips was the most popular dish in the whole country.  My grandfather made the best fish and chips in the area. People came fro the village by bus especially to get them. Everybody loved my granfather because he was such a happy and contented man. He worked hard, but once a week he closed the shop and went to have lunch (not fish and chips!) with friends in the local pub. He didn’t rtire until he was 78 years old.  He said that the secret to a long life was a glass of whisky before going to bed and lots of fish and chips.

Grammar spot


  • Find examples of the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a/an) in the text.
  • What do you notice about these phrases.
    • ……came by bus
    • …….went to have lunch
    • ….....before going to bed