He Walked 6000 Miles!

3. Vocabulary of Adverbs



  • Many regular adverbs end in –ly. Match a verb in A with an adverb in B.


















  • Listen and check. Be careful with the formation of adverbs. Try to remember the sentences. Focus on stress over syllables.
  • What do you notice about the adjectives and adverbs in these sentences.
  • Is this fast train to London ?
  • Slow down you are driving too fast.
  • I got up late this morning.
  • We had a late breakfast.
  • I work hard and play hard.
  • She’s a very hard worker.
  • What is the adverb from these adjectives? Complete the lines with the adverbs.

Clear   quiet   slow   honest   perfect   complete   good   bad   easy


  • Play a game well and win.
  • Play a game …….and lose.
  • Explain the rules…………
  • Shut the door…………….
  • Forget something………..
  • Get out of bed……………
  • Play the piano……………
  • Pass an exam……………
  • Answer the questions………….

Word order

  • Correct the word order in these sentences. Pay attention to the adverb forms.
    • She speaks very well English.

She speaks English very well.

  • He started last week a new job.
  • Please read carefully the instuctions.
  • Do you work still for the same company ?
  • Nver I can remember her name.
  • We had last year in Spain a holiday.
  • Put the adverbs in the correct palce in the sentences
  • My grandma is 75 and she goes swimming.

(nearly, still, regularly)

  • ‘Do you love me ? ‘ I do. I will love you.’

(really, of course, always)

  • I was relaxing with a good book when someone knocked on the door.

(just, really, loudly)

  • My sister is three, but she can read, and she can write.

(only, already, too)

  • Break the eggs into the bowl with some milk and butter. Heat it gently. When it is ready, serve the scrambled eggs with toast.

(first, then, immediately)

  • All my friends have a mobile phone. They are on Facebook. My dad is on Facebook.

(almost, as well, even)

  • Listen and check. Pay attention to the forms of the  adverbs, pronunciation, as well as stress.