The Working Week

3. Listening and Speaking

Listening and speaking

Who earns how much


  • Work with a partner. Look at the chart. Discuss which job you think goes with which salary.



Doctor  footballer   senior director   nurse   teacher

Super market cashier  police officer  pilot  lawyer  farmer


£22, 500  £120,000 £1Mllion  £12,500 £65,000  £750,000  £105,000  £11,000  £32,000 £36,000 


  • You are going to hear two people discussing the chart. Listen to part 1. Answer the questions.
  1. Which job do they discuss ?

Which salaries do they agree on ?

  1. Complete the sentences.

ü  They think a doctor earns either £…………….or  £………….

ü  They think either a …………….or …………… a earns £750,000

ü  They think a ……………earns about £65,000.

  1. What comment do they make about ………….. ?
  • Doctor         footballer    senior directors       pilots
  • Listen to  part 2. Answer the questions, paying attention to intonation and stress patterns.

1)      Who do they think are the lowest earners ?

2)      How much do they think farmers earn ?

3)      Do they agree about the teacher’s and a police officer’s salary ?

4)      What is the woman’s final point ?

Spoken English                                                             Giving opinions

v  Notice the ways of expressing opinion.

I reckon……..    I’d say……….        I suppose………….

v  Are these ways of agreeing or disagreeing ?

I think so too.       Definitely.      I know what you mean, but……..

I’m not so sure.    Actually….. Absolutely.

v  What do we mean when we say …….?

Could be.       May be, may be not.   Possibly.

v  Discuss the salary chart again using some of these expressions.