Identifying phrases

2. Noun phrase

A noun phrase consists of a noun plus any determiners or modifiers directly related to it. Noun phrases always have the grammatical function of nouns in a sentence.


Noun phrase examples

How it appears in a sentence

a book — determiner a + noun book

“I found a book I'd like to read.”

her sweetly smiling child — determiner her + adverb sweetly + adjective (present participle) smiling + noun child

“She gazed lovingly at her sweetly smiling child.”

the red car — determiner the + adjective red + noun car

The red car belongs to me.”

He is wearing a nice red shirt.                      (as noun/object)
            She brought a glass full of water.                (as noun/object)
            The boy with brown hair is laughing.           (as noun/subject)
           A man on the roof was shouting.                  (as noun/subject