Simple sentence

5. Subject and object complement

—  Subject Complement

—  subject complement is the adjective, noun, or pronoun that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence



—  The coplement can take two forms 

                                                → Predicate nominative(noun , pronoun)

—  Subject comlepent→

                                                 → Predicate adjective(adjective)



Predicate nominative

The noun should refer to the subject

*He is a footballer (predicate nominative)

* It  (subj) was(LV) he who won the game.(subject complement pronoun)

* It was he who won the game(predicate nominative)

Don't mistake a subject complement for a direct object

Only linking verbs can have subject complements. If the verb is action, then the word that answers the question what? or who? after the subject + verb is a direct object.

2.Predicate adjective

Robert and John            seemed                      happy

Copound subject Linking V      Predicate adjetive


  The light in the chapel was warm and soft.(predicate adjective) 

  Mrs. Rigney was my fourth-grade teacher.(PN) 

—  ·  My fourth-grade teacher was exceptionally kind(PA).