Parts of Speech

1. Classification of Nouns and Pronouns


Proper Nouns: refer to specific entities. Writers of English capitalize proper nouns ( Steve, Harvard, or White House

Common nouns :refer to general, unspecific categories of entities (person,university,building)

Countable Nouns : can occur in both single and plural forms, can be modified by numerals, and can co-occur with quantificational determiners (pen,bike,table)

Uncountable Nouns : some nouns are not countable and are called uncountable nouns or mass nouns (water,milk, air) )

Concrete nouns: are nouns that can be touched, smelled, seen, felt, or tasted. ( dog, wool, sugar) )

Abstract Nouns: theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to refer to them (freedom, love, power) )


There are many different kinds of pronouns.

Personal Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)

Demonstrative Pronouns(This, that, these those)

Indefinite Pronouns (All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, none,,,,,etc.)

Interrogative Pronouns( Who, which, what, where,how)

Reciprocal Pronouns (each other , one another)

Reflexive Pronouns(myself, yourself,herself, himself)

Possessive Pronouns (My, your, his, her, its, our,their)

Absolute Possessive Pronouns(Mine, yours, his, hers, ours , theirs)

Relative Pronouns(Which, that, who ,whom, whose,where)