Identifying clauses

6. Sentence Punctuation

  • 6. Sentence Punctuation
  • Two INDEPENDENT CLAUSES may be joined in three ways to coordinate the flow of meaning in a sentence.
  •  1. use a semicolon to create one sentence:
  •  independent clause ; (space) independent clause
    Jane walked to the store; her brother walked with her.
  •  2. use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) to create one sentence:
  •  independent clause , (space) coordinating conjunction independent clause
    Jane walked to the store, and her brother walked with her.

3. use a semi-colon and one of the following transitional words: accordingly, also, consequently, for example, furthermore, however, indeed; in fact, moreover, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, so, still, then therefore, thus, too
NOTE: A semi-colon is used ONLY when these words are used to join two independent clauses.